Human Trafficking, Slavery, and Twisted A-Holes

Slavery still exists in the world today. A lucrative trade and business, human trafficking is becoming one the top criminal activities around the world today. Labor exploitation, sexual exploitation … any kind of exploitation possible … all for a profit, enforced with beatings, rape, threats, lies, and possibly, death. Though some international leaders have spoken out against this practice, more cooperation, education, and legislation are needed to put an end to this unjust practice.

According to the Somaly Mam Foundation, “Many people are shocked to hear that more people are enslaved today than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade.”

Somaly Mam, the reputable Cambodian activist and creator of the foundation, was sold into sexual slavery as a young girl.  During her period of servitude, she was forced to work in brothels, where she experienced emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.  After escaping the evil clutches of sexual slavery, she decided to dedicate her life to fighting human trafficking, helping victims receive necessary assistance as they re-enter society.

The Somaly Mam Foundation’s Info:

“The Somaly Mam Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit public charity working to end slavery. With the vision and leadership of world renowned Cambodian activist, Somaly Mam, the foundation strives to get to the root of human trafficking. The global vision will allow the activities currently in the United States and South East Asia to expand to other countries around the world.”

If you are interested in learning more about human trafficking, please visit the links below:

Human Trafficking Search
Polaris Project: ActionCenter